Thursday 15 November 2012

What's the Prize?

Phil 3:13-14
But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward through Christ Jesus.

I am living in a corrupted world with people who lives in selfishness, pride, wickedness (Doctrine of Total Depravity). I was once like them. I was once blinded by a lie that it’s okay to live according to the pattern that this world have or to obey what the flesh so desire. I praise God for he made a way for me, for the world to come to know the truth so that through it, we all shall receive freedom! Jesus Christ is our freedom! And we will forever rejoice in this truth. When we totally surrender our lives to Christ and make him the Lord, the ruler of our lives, surely we have received the confidence of his free gift of salvation. Yes, you and I can go on or move on and forget what has been. No matter who you are in the past or even if you consider yourself the most sinful man alive, all your records can be erased in just one snap! Just by coming and offering yourself whole-heartedly to God, everything in your life is made new! There is indeed no condemnation in Christ Jesus our Lord for he bore everything for us to be made alive in God.

Now that we are in Christ, we are to strain toward what is ahead. What is ahead of us, though? We know for sure that the life we have is not for forever. We all have our end. We will all face death. But while we are alive we should keep in our mind that we are held accountable of our own life. Whatever we do or actions we take there is a corresponding return for it. Yes! Indeed, there is a return for everything we do whether good or bad and that we will receive once all is said and done. We, believers in Jesus follow his commands and eagerly do what he pleases because we know that there is a reward waiting for us which God himself have promised. This is our hope, our faith. And since we have this hope, the only goal that we must set in our hearts is to win that reward! I remember myself when I joined singing contests back in High School. I practice very well, don’t drink cold water or eat chocolate and peanut because that’s the basic rule for you to be able to sing very well. But I don’t just follow the rules for the sake of following it; I do it because I want to get the prize. I want to win the contest. We, Believers in Jesus are doing everything, having no confidence in the flesh and facing death everyday while on earth because we want to win the prize that is, Eternal Life. It’s all we’re living for.

Therefore, let’s live our lives looking at the great prize waiting for those who will persevere ‘til the end, God himself.

REWARD by Paul Baloche

I wanna hear You say the words to me, “Well done”I wanna hear You say, “Good and faithful servant”I wanna hear You say, “I’ve prepared a place for you”Let all the treasures of this world fade away

Jesus, You are my rewardTo hear Your voice on that day is all I’m living forJesus, You are my rewardTo see Your face on that day is all I’m living for

I wanna hear You say the words to me, “Well done”I wanna hear You say, “Good and faithful servant”I wanna hear You say, “I’ve prepared a place for you”Lord, let all the treasures of this world fade away

Jesus, You are my rewardTo hear Your voice on that day is all I’m living forJesus, You are my rewardTo see Your face on that day is all I’m living for

In the twinkling of an eye, we’ll all be changedWe’ll meet You in the sky, we will see You face to face

Diana Rose Gacila (THINKerbell)
Blogger mode! :)


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