Thursday 6 December 2012

Light TV 33's Solemn Session (With JIL U-Belt Worship Team)

Experiencing to worship God and minister to the King on TV... Glory to God! :)

Lights, Camera, Action...

With my Teammates 

Kulitan First

Jesus' Army of Musicians

Ronnie Balza, Jeremiah Joseph de Castro (Top from left)
Leomar Manalo, Joel Forte, Vincent Ronquillo (from left)

Voices In Adoration Beauties

Diana Rose Gacila, Analyn Casipe, Karen Christa Pineda

With VIA Boys

Reggie Navaroza, Isabelo de Guzman, Rowpen Jobert Sabat


Eng Vincent Ronquillo on Keys

Leomar Manalo, Lead Guitar
Jeremiah Joseph de Castro, Beat box

Joel Forte, Bass Guitar
Ronnie Balza, Acoustic Guitar

All boys! :D
Analyn Casipe
Karen Christa Pineda
Yours Truly
Diana Rose Gacila

Thursday 15 November 2012

What's the Prize?

Phil 3:13-14
But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward through Christ Jesus.

I am living in a corrupted world with people who lives in selfishness, pride, wickedness (Doctrine of Total Depravity). I was once like them. I was once blinded by a lie that it’s okay to live according to the pattern that this world have or to obey what the flesh so desire. I praise God for he made a way for me, for the world to come to know the truth so that through it, we all shall receive freedom! Jesus Christ is our freedom! And we will forever rejoice in this truth. When we totally surrender our lives to Christ and make him the Lord, the ruler of our lives, surely we have received the confidence of his free gift of salvation. Yes, you and I can go on or move on and forget what has been. No matter who you are in the past or even if you consider yourself the most sinful man alive, all your records can be erased in just one snap! Just by coming and offering yourself whole-heartedly to God, everything in your life is made new! There is indeed no condemnation in Christ Jesus our Lord for he bore everything for us to be made alive in God.

Now that we are in Christ, we are to strain toward what is ahead. What is ahead of us, though? We know for sure that the life we have is not for forever. We all have our end. We will all face death. But while we are alive we should keep in our mind that we are held accountable of our own life. Whatever we do or actions we take there is a corresponding return for it. Yes! Indeed, there is a return for everything we do whether good or bad and that we will receive once all is said and done. We, believers in Jesus follow his commands and eagerly do what he pleases because we know that there is a reward waiting for us which God himself have promised. This is our hope, our faith. And since we have this hope, the only goal that we must set in our hearts is to win that reward! I remember myself when I joined singing contests back in High School. I practice very well, don’t drink cold water or eat chocolate and peanut because that’s the basic rule for you to be able to sing very well. But I don’t just follow the rules for the sake of following it; I do it because I want to get the prize. I want to win the contest. We, Believers in Jesus are doing everything, having no confidence in the flesh and facing death everyday while on earth because we want to win the prize that is, Eternal Life. It’s all we’re living for.

Therefore, let’s live our lives looking at the great prize waiting for those who will persevere ‘til the end, God himself.

REWARD by Paul Baloche

I wanna hear You say the words to me, “Well done”I wanna hear You say, “Good and faithful servant”I wanna hear You say, “I’ve prepared a place for you”Let all the treasures of this world fade away

Jesus, You are my rewardTo hear Your voice on that day is all I’m living forJesus, You are my rewardTo see Your face on that day is all I’m living for

I wanna hear You say the words to me, “Well done”I wanna hear You say, “Good and faithful servant”I wanna hear You say, “I’ve prepared a place for you”Lord, let all the treasures of this world fade away

Jesus, You are my rewardTo hear Your voice on that day is all I’m living forJesus, You are my rewardTo see Your face on that day is all I’m living for

In the twinkling of an eye, we’ll all be changedWe’ll meet You in the sky, we will see You face to face

Diana Rose Gacila (THINKerbell)
Blogger mode! :)


Saturday 3 November 2012

10 Years at KKB... Worth it! by Diana Rose Gacila

I never told anyone how thankful I am because... I'm waiting for this day to give you a blast! :)

This is for you Lord, because you are deserving of my thanksgiving, praise, and honor!:)

National Youth Prophetic Conference
Cuneta Astrodome

I started joining KKB Movement when I was 12 years old at JIL Area6 Baliwag. They call me “Saling Pusa” because I always join their every project, special number, or special event though I am not yet 13 years old (KKB Membership are for ages 13-22 yrs old only). I remember one time, KKB Baliwag will be performing in a concert and they were tasked to do a hand mime. I told my brother D'beh and sister Divine that I want to join them so they asked their leader if I could join. Unfortunately, the leader said my hands were too small and that my little hands can’t help them at all. I was hurt to the point that I cried a lot because of that. I said to myself, “O yeah? Let’s see! One day, you guys would need me and you would ask me to join you, and I’ll think about it first before saying Yes!” ahaha :D Bitter little girl! (Don’t worry, I have asked God to forgive me  about it.hehe) When I celebrated my 13th Birthday, I was the happiest man alive! The sole reason of my happiness is I really want to be used for God more just like my leaders in the church, and since I’m signing on to KKB Ministry, I know my dream will come true. But my dream is just a little dream compared to what God has prepared for me.

Remembering how he have called and have used his little girl… I'm in awe.

13 years old
                JIL Baliwag Elyondoulos, Member
                KKB Baliwag, Member
                KKB Bulacan Singing Contest at Meycauayan Bulacan, 1st Runner up
                JIL Area 6 Christmas Celebration, Worship Leader (1st Time with a bigger crowd)
14 years old
                JIL Baliwag Elyondoulos, Member
                KKB Baliwag, Member
                KKB Area 6 Gathering: Great Exploit with Ptr. Bobot Bernardo, Worship Leader
15 years old
                JIL Baliwag Elyondoulos, Member
                KKB Baliwag, Secretary

    KKB Bulacan Talent Festival at Prayer Garden
                                Solo Singing Contest, Grand Winner; Interpretative Dance, 1st Runner up
    KKB National Camp 2005 in Bataan, Solo Singing Contest, 2nd Runner up
16 years old
                KKB Baliwag, Secretary
    KKB Bulacan Gathering at Prayer Garden, Worship Leader
                KKB Bulacan Camp at Norzagaray Bulacan, 2nd Day Worship Leader
                Volleyball Girls, 2nd Place
                JIL Baliwag One Way Concert, Soloist, Theater Actor, Dancer
                JIL Baliwag Shout God’s Fame Concert, Soloist, Theater Actor, Dancer

    KKB U-Belt, Music Ministry Member

    Youth Summit: Seize Your Destiny at Cuneta Astrodome, Choir Member
                Now Generation Worship Album: Wonderful Glorious God, Singer/Interpreter
                KKB Main Prayer Journey and Midweek Services, Worship Leader
                Now Generation Worship Album Promotion at Music Museum

17 years old
                 KKB U-Belt, Music Ministry Member
                 KKB UE (University of the East), Secretary, Lifegroup leader

                JIL 29th Anniversary at Luneta Grandstand: Sabayang Bigkas
                Youth Summit: Breakthrough Generation at San Juan Arena, Main Back up
                Youth Summit: Breakthrough Generation at Pangasinan, Promoted NGW Album
                NGW Concert at JIL Pampangga

18 years old

                KKB U-Belt, Music Ministry Member

               KKB UST Orphanage Visitation, Volunteer
               Youth Rage at PUP Gym, Worship Leader
                KKB Recto Area General Assembly, Worship Minister
                Youth Summit: Wildfire at Cuneta Astrodome, Main Back up
                Youth Tube, Special Number (Banal Mong Tahanan Rap, Lose My Soul)
                JIL Greenhills 3rd Service at Teatrino, Special Number

19 years old

                KKB U-Belt, Music Ministry Member

                Youth Summit: One Passion, One Generation, One Lord
                My First Love Concert at JIL Baliwag, Soloist
                Christmas Gift Giving and Child Feeding at Tondo, Special Number

20 years old
                KKB High School Department, Core Leader
                JIL U Belt Music Ministry, Treasurer

                JIL 32nd Anniversary Celebration at Luneta Grandstand, Lupang Hinirang
                October Praise, Special Number
                Youth Summit: Unstoppable, Worship Leader 2nd Day
                Street Evangelism, Backpackers
21 years old
                JIL U Belt VIA Head
                KKB High School Department, Core Leader
                Musikatha’s Pagsambang Wagas Album: Sapat Na at Higit pa, Singer/Interpreter
                SCOM Camp at Florida Pampanga, Worship Minister
                Musikatha Concert, Sta Maria Bulacan
                National Youth Prophetic Conference, Worship Leader
                End Time Harvester’s Boot Camp, Worship Leader
                KKB High School Department 3rd Anniversary Celebration, Co-host
                Campus Awakening at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, Worship Leader
                JIL Banaba, Guest Worship Leader
                JILCS Camp at Laguna, Program Coordinator
                Awit Awards 2011 at Music Museum, Musikatha Co-Representative
                JIL Baliwag 24th Anniversary, Special Number

22 years old
                JIL U Belt, VIA Head
                Lifegroup Leader

                Worship Warrior Launching, Worship Minister
                Extreme Promotion at Cuneta Astrodome
                Youth Summit: Extreme at Araneta Coliseum, Worship Leader
                                                Youth Tube, Ka-Tube
                Light Tv 33’s Solemn Session, Sessionista
                JIL U Belt 2nd Anniversary Celebration, Worship Leader, Theater Actor
                JIL 34th Anniversary at Luneta Grandstand: Celebration of Praise, Worship Leader

So there!
Surprisingly... it is what it is by the grace of God!

It’s hard to say goodbye to my youth… But I have to grow up! We all have to! :)

And when I grow old and remember my youth or reminisce the past or read this blog I have just written today, Novemeber 3, 2012, 9:35 pm, I will just smile and say, "God made it incredibly beautiful!!!" (Smile…with tears!)

You Oh Lord deserve all the praise and glory! As promised, I will testify to the world what You’ve done in my life! :) I love you!

Many many thanks to JIL Church and Kristiyanong Kabataan para sa Bayan! I just can't thank God enough for the life of my leaders in JIL/KKB. Their passion for God inspires me so much! I adore them! They have my respect. :)

Pag inalay mo ang buhay mo sa kanya, walang oras at lakas na masaasayang at higit sa lahat, hindi ka mapapahamak! Proven! J


I'm still that girl, A Dreamer
And my dream is to see God's people fulfilling their purpose. :)





(From the song Beneath the Waters by Hillsong)

I rise as You are risen
Declare Your rule and reign
My life confess Your Lordship
And glorify Your Name
Your Word it stands eternal
Your Kingdom knows no end
Your praise goes on forever
An on and on again

No power can stand against You
No curse assault Your throne
No one can steal Your glory
For it is Yours alone
I stand to sing Your praises
I stand to testify
For I was dead in my sin

But now I rise
As Christ was raise to life

Now in Him, I live!

Kaya ikaw kapatid ko ay magpatuloy lang! Higit pa sa naranasan ko ang kaya niyang iparanas sayo! He can use you as long as you desire to be greatly used for His glory alone. :) I'm not a good speaker... I can sing but not as good as Jessica Sanchez... What I know is limited... But HE IS NOT. Indeed He is our everything, our all in all! So just keep going! Don't stop praying for opportunities to bless God!:) He will surely provide! ^^ So be prepared! You too will be surprised! :)

P.S. (hehe)

I'm now signing on to Y-AM and I chose to celebrate it with my disciples, my dear sisters in Christ. :)
I testified to them and pass on the passion in my heart. I know what I have is not enough but their willing hearts make me believe that God can use them more than how he have used me! Not by might!

Sharing His word that they may love the Word

Introducing to you the CONQUERORS!:) 

Actually, they are more than conquerors through Christ! :)

From left (Aubrey, Marjorie, Nikka, Sheena, Ej)
Similarly, if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not receive the victor’s crown unless he competes according to the rules.

May His name be glorified forever! 

For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen. 
--Romans 11:36

Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come --Ecclesiastes 12:1a

However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"-- 1 Cor 2:9

So he said to me, "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty. -- Zec 4:6

But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.-- Phil 3:7-11

Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. --2 Tim2:22

Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs—he wants to please his commanding officer. Similarly, if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not receive the victor’s crown unless he competes according to the rules. --2 Tim 2:3-5

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. --1Pet 2:9

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. --1 Timothy 4:12

being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. -- Phil 1:6

I really enjoyed my youth! It was a successful journey because I have the KKB ministry as my guide. I am thankful for every training and service that they have for the youth for it really helped me personally to live a life driven by eternity. Umiyak din ako, Nasaktan, Nadapa... ngunit nagpatuloy! Isa lang ang dahilan... Hindi tungkol sa akin ang buhay na ito... Ito'y tungkol sa KANYA! 

Hindi pa tapos si Lord sa buhay ko at maging Sa'yo! Patuloy lang! 
Hihintayin ko din ang kwento mo! :)

He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD.
Psalm 40:3

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Pag-Ibig ba ang hanap mo? by Diana Rose Gacila

Marami akong nabalitaan, nakilala, nakausap, iisa ang dahilan ng buhay, iisa lang ang hanap: Pag-ibig.

Isang ina na may limang anak, iniwan ng asawa; Anak na nalamang siya’y ampon lang; Rebeldeng anak na produkto ng pamilyang wasak; Kabataang nasira ang buhay dahil sa bisyo at drugs; Dalagang ina; Batang ama; Naging bakla o tomboy dahil sa masamang karanasan; Lalaking papalit palit ng ka-relasyon; Babaeng dumaan sa surgery, nagpa-opera, gumastos ng malaki para maging maganda; Breadwinner nakulong dahil sa pagnanakaw bunga ng kahirapan; Magulang na lumipad at namasukan sa ibang bansa; Panganay na anak na kahit anong trabaho ay nasubukan na; Matalinong anak na nagsisikap sa pag-aaral para makahakot ng medalya; Anak na umaasang mabuo ang pamilya kahit imposible pa. Ito’y marami sa mga taong hinayaan ng Diyos na makilala ko, makausap, at matulungan kahit sa panalangin. Kung iisipin, talaga namang ang ilan sa kanila ay masidhi ang napagdaanan at mga nasubukan. Sa totoo lang, isa lang naman ang dahilan ng bawat nilang kalagayan. Isa lang ang nais o hanap nila: Pag-ibig. Kaya naman sa ngalan ng pag-ibig lahat ay kayang subukan, lahat ay kayang pasukan. Lahat ay kayang gawin upang matanggap at mahalin. Ngunit kapag masyado kang mataas at may iniingatang kang pangalan mahirap aminin na ikaw din ay nangangailangan. Kaya nga madalas may mga tao tayong tinitiis o mga sitwasyon na pinipilit kayanin kahit mahirapan o masaktan pa tayo. Nakakapagod, hindi ba? Kinukulong tayo nito sa isang lugar na hindi natin gusto. Napipilitan tayong gawin ang mga bagay na hindi natin lubos maisip na magagawa natin. Ito ba ang sinasabing kalooban ng Diyos? Na ikaw ay mapahamak, masaktan, mahirapan, mapahiya, malugmok sa  kalungkutan, o magkasala? Marahil ang iba sa atin, hindi maiwasang magtampo o magalit sa Diyos. Nagdududa kung siya ba ay totoo at kung siya man ay totoo ang tanong ay, “Nasaan ka?” Tayo ay tao lamang. Dumadating talaga ang mga ganitong pagkakataon na ang ating lakas ay nasusubok. Ang Diyos nga mismo ay lubos na nalalaman na tayong mga tao ay limitado, mahina, at hindi sapat ang kakayahan. Katulad ng bulaklak na nalanta at hindi nagtagal ay namatay o nawala, ganito rin tayong mga tao. Kaya nga lubos niya tayong naiintindahan at walang hanggan ang kanyang pang-unawa sa atin.

Nakakatawang isipin dahil kahit gano natin piliting hanapin ang pag-ibig at pagtanggap mula sa ating pamilya, kaibigan, o kaagapay sa buhay, ay limitado lang ang kaya nilang ibigay. Sapagkat katulad mo rin sila, limitado, hindi ba? Hindi mo naman kayang magpagaling ng pusong sugatan o magbura ng pangit na karanasan. Lalong hindi mo kayang magbigay ng bagong buhay o sariwang panimula. May magandang balita! Hindi man natin o ng ating mga mahal sa buhay kayang ibigay ang mga ito, mayroon tayong matatakbuhan na higit pa sa mga nasabi ang kayang ipagkaloob! Tanggalin mo na ang pagdududa na hindi ka Niya mahal o hindi Siya interesado sa pinagdadaanan mo. Higit kanino pa man, nais Niyang makialam sa buhay mo, kung Siya ay hahayaan mo.

Kung may hihigit pa sa salitang perpekto, ganon ang pag-ibig na kayang ibigay sa atin ng Diyos. Ito ang pag-ibig na hindi mo na kailangan hanapin dahil hindi ka pa ipinapanganak, inaabangan ka na nito. Ito ang pag-ibig na hindi ka kailanman sasaktan. Ito ang pag-ibig na kahit saan, kahit kailan ay maaari mong asahan , takbuhan, at taguan. Ito ang pag-ibig na hindi marunong magkamali. Kaya kung sa tingin mo ang buhay mo ay magulo, sira, o bulok may dahilan ka pa din para magsaya. Sapagkat hindi man perpekto ang lahat sayo, maipagyayabang mo naman ang pagiging perpekto ng Diyos sa buhay mo.

May mga bagay na marahil ay hindi na posibleng maayos, o may mga tao tayong nasaktan o nakasakit sa atin na hindi na natin muling makikita, ngunit ang Diyos ay kaya tayong bigyan ng bagong buhay at simula. Kaya niyang ayusin ang lahat lahat sa atin. Kung pipiliin nating sa mga oras na ito ay tanggapin ang perpektong pag-ibig ng Diyos, babaguhin nito ang ating mga puso at isipan hanggang sa tayo ay mabuhay ng malaya mula sa masakit at pangit nakaraan. Kusang gagaling ang bawat sugat sa ating puso at ang pagpapatawad ay hindi magiging mahirap na gawin. Kalayaan ang nais ibigay ng Diyos sa atin sapagkat matagal na matagal na panahon ng binayaran ni Hesus sa pamamagitan ng krus ang kalayaan na pilit inaagaw ng nakaraan mo o ng kasalanan. Papayag ka bang habang buhay kang malugmok sa kasinungalingang wala ka ng pag-asa? O wala ng magandang bagay na mangyayari sayo? O wala ng magmamahal sayo? Nabasa mo ito ngayon para ipaabot sayong, ikaw ay mahalaga sa Diyos, ikaw ay lubos niyang minamahal. Ikaw ay nakikita niya at binibilang niya ang bawat mong luha. Naririnig niya ang bawat mong hinaing at handa ka niyang saklolohan kung lalapit ka sa kanya.

Naghahanap ka ng magmamahal sayo pero wala kang makita? Pwes, ngayong oras na ito, natagpuan mo na Siya! Simulan mo na ang magandang relasyon sa KANYA! J

Tanggapin mo SIYA sa puso mo. Kilalanin mong siya ay Diyos at sa kanya nagmula ang lahat ng bagay. Sa pamamagitan ni Hesus na ibinigay Niya bilang kapalit ng ating kalayaan at kapatawaran sa kasalanan hilingin mong baguhin niya ang puso mo at bigyan ka niya ng bagong buhay at simula.
Kung sasabihin mo ito sa kanya, makakaramdam ka ng naguumapaw na kaligayahan at gagaan ang kabigatan  na nasa puso mo. Subukan mo!

…………….Ayos di ba? :D

Diana Rose Gacila

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Music and ME by Diana Rose Gacila

@ Light TV's Solemn Session
Diana Rose Gacila 

It was my parents who discovered that I can sing. My mom have shared me my cute story when i was 3 months old and my pop was singing me to sleep. While he is singing me a lullaby they were surprised when I began to sing long "ooohh!!!" with just one That was me! Then my pop stopped singing and they just listened to me instead (Oh mom and pop! It's just one note! Are you sure you did listen?). Regretful about my parents not having a video camera that time.haha! But it's fine! So there, when I reached my 3rd year, my parents decided to buy a little cassette and a microphone since my brother, sister and myself is in love with music. My voice coach who happened to be my Mom (wow! as if my mom is a professional singer!lol) recorded my voice while singing my favorite kid's songs and other Christian song. Remembering it makes me laugh, really. (I got a copy with me! I'm sure you'll laugh once you hear it coz my closest friends laughed as if there's no tomorrow when they've heard of it!) A three (3) year old kid sings as if she understands the lyrics of the song!hah! <3

The first time I ever did a song number was when I was 5 years old, that was in our church in Jesus Is Lord Church, Baliwag Chapter. And the song goes like this: “Love na love ako ni Jesus; Mahal niya akong tunay; Lagi niya ‘kong iniingatan, sa pagtulog ko Siya’y kasama; nagbabantay ‘twina sa aking buhay.” I wont forget this song because it’s my first love song offered to the Lord. From then on, I am often being assigned to do a solo number in the church. I used to sing songs from the album of Musikatha and Papuri. I also have the album of Joy Fabillar, Sharon (not Megastar), and Joni Villanueva. Both in church and in school I was being tapped to do a special number or join singing contests. I believe that joining contests can help an aspiring singer like me not just in enhancing skill but even in developing character. I am thankful for the experience of winning and losing contests for it helped me have the right attitude and response toward victory or defeat. 

Here are some of the singing contest I've joined back when I was still a student. I can still remember the others but these four are the unforgettable ones:

Elementary, Grade 6
From 20+ elementary students representing their school, I won the 3rd Place! :)
Piece: Ikaw by Sharon Cuneta
Award/Prize: P300 (haha! I can still remember I grabbed my sister and brother right after the contest in Mc Donalds--my treat!lol)

1st Year High School
Linggo ng Wika, Grand Champ
Piece: Ulan by Regine Velasquez
Award: Medal

1st Year High School (Bulacan Private School Association)
20+ Private School Representatives: Fail to win :'(
Piece: Ngayon by (Ooh!I forgot)

2nd Year High School (Bulacan Privare School Association)-- Sabak Ulit
20+ Private School Representatives: 5th Place (yey!)
Piece: Ikaw by Sharon
Award: Medal

UE Pop Idol
1st Year College
Among 100+ college musikeros : I made it to Top 10 and be one of the Grandfinalists
Piece: It's all coming back by Celine Dion
Award: Gift pack from Studio 23 and other stuff

Try watching this:
(Sorry hindi masyado maganda ang resolution.ehehe! :) )

My passion for music helped me gain confidence. I can say that music became the avenue for me to show who I really am. It also became an instrument for me to express my love for God, on and offstage. Most importantly, music has revealed God’s calling in my life. That's why having realized that I was blessed of a beautiful gift (well, everyone has their own God-given gifts), I should be a good steward of it. I' promise to take good care of it and develop it more by the help of God. Above all, to use it and everything that I have for the glory of God alone! :)

Colossians 1:16 

For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.

Acts 17:28

'For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.'

Romans 11:36  

For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.

Praise the Lord! <3

Monday 8 October 2012

When I Heard HIM Calling Me by Diana Rose Gacila

I am the youngest in the family. My Mom, though a Roman  Catholic submitted herself to my father who is a Born-again Christian, the reason why me and my family by God's grace come to know Jesus Christ. My brother Dibenson and sister Divine were both active in Children’s Ministry in our church then. I can still remember the first time they had me join Sunday School in our church, I was filled with excitement knowing that in there, we will sing happy songs, pray, read the bible, color famous bible character’s faces, and play! I don’t understand but all I know, in my young age, I’m very interested to talk about Jesus Christ and I want to know him more.

I grew up with godly people, indeed a life under God's dominion. And he doesn’t want me to just love Him, he wanted me to serve Him as well. I was 9 years old when my sister Divine and I joined Elyondoulos (formerly Tambourine Ministry) where I was given the chance to develop my dancing skill. I was also 9 years old when I first joined JIL Children’s camp at Norzagaray, Bulacan which paved the way for me to be used in Children's Ministry for God's glory. I was excited then because I will be joining Little Ms. Camper. But the second time I joined the camp, year 2001, was one of the most unforgettable events in my life. I can still remember how serious I was when listening to every session and how heavenly music touched my heart every time we sing and dance together to worship the Lord. The last day of the camp is the most awaited part not just because of the victory proclamation but also because of commissioning service. I was so surprised when I saw Rev. Eddie Villanueva, Jesus Is Lord Worldwide-Executive Director, in the site. I knew that he will be the one to anoint us with oil. When Rev. Eddie finished his preaching, teachers helped us to line up and get ready for the anointing session. We were about 1500 (or almost...I can't remember to be honest!hehe) delegates to be anointed. When the music began to play, I felt the strong presence of God embracing me. There was  an unexplained feeling of joy in my heart that made me cry a lot, I knew it was God’s Spirit and so I just let it flow and overwhelm me. When it is I to be anointed, the man of God placed his hand upon me, uttered a word of love from the Lord and a declaration of my life’s victory. Then I heard the Lord spoke through my heart, saying he want me to serve him all my life; that I belong to Him; that He has chosen me to be his very own. Though I am just grade 5 then, just a little earthling, I surrendered him my heart and responded to his call. I have a hope that his presence will always be with me and that his favor shall look after me as I respond to his call and obey his will. At an early age, he opened my eyes to see his beauty and made my heart hunger and thirst for more of him. And I am blessed and humbled that God have made himself known to an ordinary person like me. What a privilege to serve this wonderful God and be called as His very own!

Hey! Check this out!

Here are some pics of my younger years... Of service.

My First Ministry: Elyondoulos
(Our Dream Church, JIL Baliuag was under construction, that's why Sunday Services were held at the school which is also in progress!)

Looking for me? I'm the beautiful kid (on the left facing the screen. lol ) next to the first kid on the line. <3

Children's Ministry
I'm so Bibo! I know right?lol I'm always placed at the center! ^o^


At Norzagaray Bulacan--3 day camp!
Please don't laugh! I look boyish here!:D

Surprise!I'm a grown up here! <3
Yes! If you're a tambourine dancer during that time (year 2000?), wearing gown is super in! :)

3rd from the left! :-o
(The woman at my right is my beautiful sister Divine)

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,  before you were born I set you apart;
    I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5
Maybe, not as a prophet. Maybe not like my calling or someone else's. But when God calls, don't be afraid to answer. He will surely guide you and make your path straight! God Himself will protect his calling in your life! You just need to trust and obey him for there is blessing in obedience. Deut 28. Amen.

I <3 Jesus!

Monday 30 July 2012

Unforgettable Journey, Unforgettable People

One month after my graduation last last April 2011, I tried working in a bank but not for long due to my desire to have my own business. I need to save money...enough money for capital for me to let my dream come alive. Not that banks are not a good paying company, but I just don't think I can endure the seriousness of the job. So I prayed to God and I received a good offer from an unexpected company which helped me save the money I need to grow (hopefully) the little business of my family. Time's flying buy... It's moving so fast!

Yesterday, 29th of July 2012 was my last day as a Customer Service Representative at Virgin Media, UK account. I have with me on that day Coach Mike, the Boss; Ivan, the leader; Moma Tere, my sweetest joy; Maxi, my primadonna girl; Ming Ming, girl with burgundy hair; Ruffina, my sisterhood; Mama Paclar, the always in love with PAPA; Mama Cath, my co-singer; Catherine Rances, I chu love her; and of course, Drishy, my sister in Christ. It was a breathtaking day for me for so many reason. I treasure every minute taking in calls with my spiel, "Hi there, this is Diane! How can I help?" For 8 hrs in 7 months I've been repeating this spiel, approximately 56 times a day cause I can take 7 calls in an hour. Super! Well, aside from various English accent I've heard and learned over the phone, there were things which I would never forget in this great journey. And of course, who made this experience special? First, the UK people, my customers who are so amazing! They are beautiful people though few of them are really irate but most of the British people are so lovely and fun to talk to! Different scenarios of calls and types of customers where I needed to prepare myself with everyday. There were irate customers who would even dare to sue you and the company if issue wont be resolved, those customers who were crying hard in begging you to restore services even if they don't have money to pay bill over 90 days, customers who are disabled and are sick, customers who's husband or wife passed away, and customers too old who are a challenge to myself in describing a specific thing in a way that they will understand it. But I also celebrate with my customers who's just got married and is requesting to change account name, customers who's celebrating birthday, been to holiday and is going to an international trip for a holiday! In all of this, I feel for the customer and totally understand where they are coming from. I thank God for their lives for I learned a lot of things about appreciating people no matter what they are saying because for sure there will always be reason behind. I learned the proper response for all of this though sometimes there is really a great fear in me in sorting everything out and also in pleasing them. But when they give me a smile and hear them laugh when I crack jokes, Oh no! I'm the happiest person on earth!lol I will never forget UK specially Richard Branson, my oh so rich boss in VM. Secondly, the people I worked with, my team.

                                                                        TEAM NINJAS 

(Credit goes to Maxi)

I wrote today because I DON'T WANT TO FORGET...
I don't want to forget how happy I am at this very moment. I don't want to forget how these people made me feel so special and how the days I had with them impacted my life, my faith, and my service to God. 

I treasure these moments I had with them...

1st Bonding @Mc Donalds Ortigas


Sweetest smile for Coach Mike
(Unfortunately He's not with us that moment)
Hey! Come sing along!:)))
Ya ready? so we are! :)))

Akala ay swimming...Trekking pala! Hindi nagpaalam yung activity namin sa amin.
Kung alam ko lang edi sana nag pajama ako!lol Kabado sa araw! (Alam na ang epekto!) :)

Kaya ko pa!!! Bring it on! lol

Sooo pure and fresh water flowing! (Bukal)
While looking at how it flows, I remembered God's love. It's unstoppable!

This have caught my attention ! It's like Im inside a painting!
The best ka talaga Lord! :)

Sooo tired of 4 hrs of walking and realizing that my skin is getting whiter!hah!
But really was comprehending at how God did all of these beautiful creation. Sooo amazed! :)
It is what it is!:)

So, there! I really enjoyed the experience of getting at the center of the mountains in Daraitan. Never thought I'll be able to see such beauty!It's just a dream to climb up on a mountain but God had me do it on a very unexpected day. Surprise! And God used it for me to be amazed once again of his majesty! Then after that happy moment, I know in my heart that time is over. Little days left and i'll be leaving my workplace, my team, and my customers. It's not an easy decision to make. Really not. But I have to for a greater purpose that God has revealed to me. I love these people and though they aren't perfect, just like everyone I appreciate them because God loves them and I feel it everyday and share it to them everyday. I won't leave guilty of an unfulfilled purpose or mission. But I can lift my head up for since I started in this industry where people's beliefs or perspective in life were far more different from what I know and used to do I promised God that I will do ONLY what he wants me to do and say ONLY what he wants me to say. And by the grace of God I was able to do it! And then HE whispered to me with an urgency of leaving. I have to go. It's hard to let go but since it is God who commanded me to do so and it was secured by his word, there's nothing left for me to worry about! He'll take care of everything, I'll just follow!

All my bags are packed... ready to go...

For my beloved team! Kain lang! :)

Drishy prayed for the food and for me! Thanks! :)


My coach Mike! He is the best!
I always listen to his realistic advices. I'll miss yah!
 :'( touched for the card!

Maxie reading me the message she wrote on to the big card!
And then super mega cry na kaming lahat! :'(((

The Card

Filled with touching message! Thanks team!

Binalik mo ako kay Lord!Salamat anak! I'm your Mom here and outside, I wont forget you! ~Mama Tere
We will never forget  that we are blessed to have a singer in our team, aside from me!haha ~Maxie
Sad to know coz you're leaving us =( but I know you will be better & will be successful... ~Ivan
I don't know how to start, but I would like to say thank you for the laughter that we shared! ~Ruffi
Just like your favorite song, the climb, Keep on climbing and always aim to be on top!~Ming Ming
God always has a purpose for us!Be brave and always have a heart. ~Mom Cath
Hope you will never regret your decision to leave us for you to run your family business!JOKE! ~Mama Rea
I'll never forget things that you shared with me. I really appreciate those things! ~Catherine
Be faithful and be strong in the Lord always. I'll surely miss you. ~Drishy

The passion and commitment is there! Im confident that wherever you go, whatever actions you take, you can do it though things ahead are harder and more challenging. As your mentor I am so proud of you!  Not just because you're good in singing but because I've seen you grow! Again, It's not about the span of time! It's about the worth of your stay. It's about the things you've learned! ~Coach Mike

It was a beautiful journey! Knowing that through it all I have my faith as my guide and God at my side!
Thanks to you friends. I have to go. But it doesn't mean we will  let go! Memories we had are so precious to me! You are all a blessing to me, I wont forget ya'll! See you soon... AC,Wave 29, Mama Julie, Ms. Jaja, Yvette, SMEs, Ninjas! Aim high! ^^

Click here and watch my team singing, Ipagpatawad mo... Enjoy!

Cheers! VMUK!:)

My lifetime spiel: This is Diane, How can I help?